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Text File | 1994-03-08 | 25.8 KB | 479 lines | [TEXT/ALFA] |
- This is the 'LaTeX Help' file available from Alpha's Help menu. Command key
- summaries suitable for printing will be found in the file 'commands.tex'.
- The LaTeX Menu
- --------------
- Upon entering TeX mode, either manually (by choosing Modes:Tex from the
- Misc menu or via the pop-up menu to the left of the window's horizontal
- scroll bar) or automatically (whenever a .tex or .sty file is activated), a
- new menu appears in the menu bar. The LaTeX menu provides access to scores
- of procedures stored in source form in the file latex.tcl and loaded the
- first time 'Tex' mode is entered. The LaTeX menu follows closely the
- organization and terminology of L. Lamport's _LaTeX_ book (Addison-Wesley,
- 1986), especially chapter 3. It's generally agree that the _LaTeX_ book is
- still the definitive LaTeX reference and should be on every LaTeX user's
- desk.
- Basic Operations
- ----------------
- The macros in latex.tcl revolve around two basic operations called
- insertObject and wrapObject. Basically, the insertObject operation is a
- call to insertText preceded by the automatic deletion of previously
- selected text (this is easily changed, however, by resetting the flag
- 'deleteObjectNoisily' on the Utils menu). For example, if there is no
- current selection, choosing the command Greek:Alpha from the LaTeX menu
- inserts the corresponding LaTeX command at the insertion point; otherwise
- it replaces the current selection with the string "\alpha". In other words,
- insertObject works just like the familiar Edit:Paste command. A good
- portion of the commands in latex.tcl rely on insertObject but actually
- these are least important since it's almost always easier to type them at
- the keyboard. On the other hand, if we forget the syntax of a particular
- LaTeX command, it's quicker to look it up on the menu than it is in the
- _LaTeX_ book. Additional time savings may be realized when these commands
- are used in conjunction with their corresponding command keys...but more on
- that later.
- The operation complementary to insertObject is called wrapObject. The
- difference between the two is the way the latter treats the current
- selection. That is, wrapObject inserts its argument at the insertion point
- (just like insertObject), but if there is a selection, wrapObject cuts it
- out (without effecting the current state of the Clipboard) and inserts it
- in the middle of the chosen command. For example, consider the LaTeX menu
- command Miscellaneous:Footnote. This command inserts the string
- "\footnote{}•" (minus the double quotes, of course) into the document,
- positioning the insertion point between the pair of braces. The user then
- types the text to be footnoted and presses the Tab key, after which the tab
- stop macro finds the bullet • at the end of the string. (Note: use
- option-tab or control-tab to insert a literal tab character into the
- document.) On the other hand, if a selection exists at the time
- LaTeX:Miscellaneous:Footnote is issued, the selection itself is surrounded
- by LaTeX's \footnote command, and the insertion point is brought to the end
- of the selection automatically. Some commands, for better or worse, even go
- so far as to insert the selection into one of several competing positions
- within the command string. The LaTeX:Formulas:Fraction command is a good
- example of this type of behavior. It assumes the current selection (if
- there is one) is the numerator of the fraction to be typeset, cutting &
- pasting accordingly.
- The concept of wrapping an object is carried one step further in the case
- of environments. Suppose you want to center an existing tabular
- environment, for example. Just select the tabular environment and then
- choose Environments:General from the LaTeX menu. A dialog will appear
- prompting the user for the name of the environment. Since "center" is the
- default, just press the OK button in the dialog box. The resulting
- centering environment will completely surround the existing tabular
- environment, indenting the latter one tab stop to the right.
- Not all environments wrap, however. Those environments whose body is very
- structured (that is, enumerate, itemize, description, tabular,
- thebibliography, array, eqnarray, and eqnarray*) do not. Instead, these
- environments simply insert text into the document. If there happens to be a
- selection at the time one of these commands is issued, an alert appears
- asking if the selection should be deleted. To turn this alert off, simply
- toggle the flag 'deleteEnvironmentNoisily' on the Utils menu.
- Whitespace
- ----------
- Before going on, let me say a few words about whitespace. In virtually all
- cases, superfluous whitespace in command strings has been deleted. For
- example, objects inserted with insertObject (a sizable portion of
- latex.tcl's functionality) do not routinely insert a trailing space
- character. Instead, the user must decide whether or not space should
- immediately follow a particular TeX or LaTeX control word (sometimes it's
- needed, and sometimes it's not). Setting indentOnCR to false also prevents
- a lot of extraneous whitespace from being inserted into your document (but
- then it won't look so good!)
- Changes in Version 2.0
- ----------------------
- • The documentation (LaTeX Help and commands.tex) has been totally
- rewritten.
- • A new, expanded LaTeX menu has been implemented, following closely the
- organization and terminology of the LaTeX book.
- • Ellipses have been added to LaTeX menu items where appropriate.
- • Macros intelligently respond to the current selection---although
- many objects simply replace the current selection (similar to Paste),
- others conveniently and automatically wrap themselves around it.
- Environments automatically wrap themselves around a selection, too.
- • Functionality has been localized in utility macros as much as possible.
- • Standard document types (letter, article, report, and book) have been
- added. Simply select some text (or not) before choosing the desired
- command from the Documents menu.
- • Three flags have been added to the Utils menu: 'useBoxMacro' (which
- controls the behavior of the figure environment), 'deleteObjectNoisily'
- (which controls an alert that appears when the current selection is
- about to be replaced by an object), and 'deleteEnvironmentNoisily'
- (which controls an alert that appears when the current selection is
- about to be replaced by an environment).
- • Many new environments have been added (figure, table, verbatim, quote,
- quotation, verse) and some (enumerate, itemize, description, tabular,
- bibliography, array, eqnarray, and eqnarry*) now prompt the user for
- the desired number of rows and, in some cases, columns. The environment
- body is then constructed automatically.
- • The figure environment now depends on a flag called 'useBoxMacro' on the
- Utils menu. If this flag is true (which it is by default), then the
- figure environment inserts the string "\\centerline{\\$boxMacroName{•}}"
- into its body. Otherwise, the body of the figure environment is left
- empty (unless there is a current selection, in which case the figure
- environment wraps).
- • A new, improved fraction macro now parses a selection of the form
- "numerator/denominator" and then automatically constructs the
- corresponding displayed fraction. A selection not containing a
- "/" is inserted in lieu of the fraction's numerator.
- • Both TeX and LaTeX math modes are supported, including $...$, $$...$$,
- \(...\), and \[...\]. These are inserted into the document horizontal-
- ly. The corresponding multi-line environments \begin{math}...\end{math}
- and \begin{displaymath}...\end{displaymath} are also supported and
- heartily recommended (since these constructs are more easily modified
- and maintained by the user).
- • There's now a two-parameter nth root, in addition to square root.
- • Arbitrary one- and two-parameter LaTeX commands have been implemented,
- namely, \<command>{•} and \<command>{•}{•}. These can be run inter-
- actively, or used as templates for user-defined commands.
- • In addition to sum and integral, numerous "large operators" (product,
- union, intersection, logical and/or) have been added.
- • The nonumber command has been removed since it only appears in the
- context of an eqnarray environment.
- • Both the Conjugate and Expected Value commands have been removed since
- in my (perhaps limited) experience these are nonstandard mathematical
- notation.
- • Sectioning commands no longer insert a trailing carriage return.
- • The Sum and Integral commands no longer typeset the current selection
- as the lower limit of the sum or integral.
- • The command texDisplayEqn is no longer supported. Instead, the commands
- MathModes:texDisplaymath and MathModes:latexDisplaymath insert
- themselves horizontally into the .tex file. For vertical source code
- formatting, use MathEnvironments:Displaymath.
- • Extraneous comments preceding each environment have been removed.
- • The command alignEqual has been removed since the separator is now
- inserted automatically into the appropriate environments.
- Changes in Version 1.2
- ----------------------
- • macros shortened through use of movePoint and selReplace utility macros.
- • new macros added: section, subsection, subsubsection, enumerate,
- itemize
- • most short macros handle selected text (i.e. highlight "word", execute
- the boldface command, and you get "{\bf word}"). NOTE: this is
- OPTIONAL--you can still execute boldface, type "word", and type tab.
- • latex key bindings only performed the first time Tex mode is entered,
- to save time
- • emphasize macro updated
- Changes in Version 1.1
- ----------------------
- • non-breaking space removed from cite macro
- • slide environment macro added and assigned to o-F9 and c-o-9
- • equation, displaymath, eqnarray, eqnarray*, slide, and general environment
- now indent and no longer insert a blank line if called from column 0.
- • texDisplayEqn ($$...$$) added and bound to o-s-4
- Known Bugs
- ----------
- • the figure and table environments need an optional LaTeX parameter
- • the italic correction is not very smart, especially when wrapping
- an object
- • the fraction command does not remove redundant parentheses
- • the Alpha variable 'indentOnCR' should reduce extraneous whitespace
- to near zero when set to false
- • the mathStyle:calligraphic command should check to see that its
- argument is upper-case
- • the various commands on the Documents submenu should make sure the
- file is empty (if inserting) or totally selected (if wrapping)
- In the Works
- ------------
- • an interactive list-making command
- • interactive (re)newcommand, (re)newenvironment, and newtheorem commands
- • international characters
- • a tabbing environment (yuck!)
- • an index environment
- • additional TeX and LaTeX boxes
- • log-like functions
- • multi-line delimiters
- • a less obtrusive and more general tab-stopping mechanism
- • support for the AMS math fonts
- • the ability to "unwrap" fractions and other complex objects
- The LaTeX menu is organized into three parts: document-related commands,
- paragraph mode commands (that is, normal text commands), and math mode
- commands. Each group of commands is separated by a thin grey line on the
- menu. A brief description of the available commands follows. See the file
- 'commands.tex' for more specific information.
- Document-related Commands
- -------------------------
- In addition to the standard LaTeX document styles (letter, article, report,
- and book) a custom document style that runs interactively is available.
- Choosing one of these commands from the Documents submenu either inserts
- the desired template at the insertion point or, if there is a current
- selection---say, a paragraph of text or even a whole document---the
- selection is wrapped up inside the chosen document style. In either case,
- the insertion point is positioned at the beginning of the template allowing
- the user to enter any specific document-style options that may be required
- (standard options include 11pt, twoside, and twocolumn, for example).
- If none are desired, simply skip over this part of the template (it's okay
- to leave the empty square brackets where they are).
- Numerous LaTeX sectioning commands are available from the Sectioning
- submenu, the most useful being the chapter, section, and subsection
- commands. The corresponding LaTeX command is inserted at the insertion
- point. The current selection, if there is one, is assumed to be the name of
- the section and is wrapped up inside curly braces. The resulting
- declaration is NOT followed by a carriage return since the user has the
- option of putting a label (or whatever) on the same line.
- Future versions of latex.tcl will provide tools for constructing various
- command and environment definitions.
- Paragraph Mode Commands
- -----------------------
- Taken together, the Text Style and Text Size submenus contain most of
- LaTeX's text formatting declarations. Since I usually override LaTeX's
- default settings only for very small amounts of text (typically a sentence
- or less), the scope of each of these declarations has been delimited by
- braces even though there may be times when this approach is superfluous and
- even outright wrong. (This "feature" may change in future versions of
- latex.tcl.)
- I should also say something about TeX's italic correction which forced
- some difficult design choices. Paraphrasing Shakespeare, "To correct, or
- not to correct, that is the question!" The compromise (which I hope doesn't
- turn out to be a mistake) was to consistently include the italic correction
- "\/" with each instance of Italic, Emphatic (preferred in the vast majority
- of cases) or Slanted text, but then to highlight the correction so the user
- could choose to delete it easily. So, immediately after inserting one these
- three declarations, decide which way to go by pressing the delete key or
- not.
- Future versions of latex.tcl will implement TeX's extensive international
- character set and diacritical marks.
- Perhaps the most useful of latex.tcl's many features is its ability to
- produce skeletal templates for multi-line environments (that is, LaTeX
- constructs delimited by a \begin...\end pair). These may be inserted
- anywhere in the document (even in the middle of a line), complete with tab
- stops and appropriate indentation (provided the Alpha variable indentOnCR,
- available on the Utils menu, is set to true). On the Environment submenu,
- you'll find commands for Enumerate, Itemize, Description, Tabular, Figure,
- Table, Slide, Verbatim, Quote, Quotation, Verse, and Bibliography
- environments. In some cases (like Enumerate), the user is asked to specify
- the number of rows desired, after which the program generates the
- corresponding environment body (complete with punctuation and tab stops).
- Some environment commands (like Tabular) also prompt the user for the
- desired number of columns. There's even a General command for creating
- user-defined environments.
- Although the Boxes submenu is unusually brief, I expect this to change as I
- learn more about TeX boxes. Perhaps the most useful box-making command (the
- only one implemented thus far) is mbox, which formats its argument in LR
- mode, a restricted form of paragraph mode impervious to line breaks. The
- mbox command is especially useful for inserting a bit of plain text in the
- middle of a math formula (see the _LaTeX_ book for examples).
- Other text-related LaTeX commands that I've found useful from time to time
- are listed under the Miscellaneous submenu. There you'll find certain
- special characters (like Copyright and Section Mark), the TeX and LaTeX
- logos, quoting commands (which I've always found difficult to typeset
- manually), marginal notes and footnotes, labels, cross references, page
- references, and citations.
- Math Mode Commands
- ------------------
- Math mode may be invoked in any number of ways. Many TeXnical typists rely
- exclusively on TeX's use of dollar signs, and almost always key in their
- documents horizontally from left to right. Others have adopted LaTeX's
- tendency to prefer vertical constructions (that is, environments). Still
- others have settled on some combination of these, using whichever seems
- comfortable or convenient at the time. Whatever your approach to
- mathematical typesetting, there's something for everybody in latex.tcl,
- designed to simplify the input of complex mathematical formulas.
- Four Math Modes are available for normal, everyday left-to-right input.
- These are called Tex Math ($...$) and Tex Displaymath ($$...$$), and their
- corresponding LaTeX equivalents Latex Math (\(...\) and Latex Displaymath
- \[...\]. The LaTeX versions are equivalent to the multi-line Math and
- Displaymath environments. The latter have the advantage that 1) they are
- often more readable in source form, and 2) they are more easily changed (by
- simply replacing keywords) as the document evolves.
- Other multi-line Math Environments peculiar to LaTeX (Equation, Array,
- Eqnarray, and Eqnarray*) are also available, and each is mutually exclusive
- (that is, one may not be nested inside the other) except for the Array
- environment which _must_ be nested inside some other math environment. (It
- took me a long time to come to grips with this anomaly, and I must say the
- misleading example on p.47 of the _LaTeX_ book sure didn't help!) There's
- also a General environment command which turns out to be exactly the same
- one available in paragraph mode (see above).
- The Formulas submenu contains LaTeX commands commonly used to build up even
- the simplest mathematical expressions. There are commands for typesetting
- subscripts and superscripts, fractions (which used to be difficult to
- typeset), square roots, and arbitrary nth roots. There are also arbitrary
- one- and two-parameter LaTeX commands which prompt the user to input the
- command name. Next to latex.tcl's environment commands, the formula
- commands should be most useful. (In fact, it pays to memorize their command
- key equivalents...but more on that later.)
- While we're talking about the Formulas submenu, let me tell a little bit
- about latex.tcl's ability to parse fractions. How many times have you found
- yourself wanting to recast a horizontally typeset fraction such as $x = (-b
- \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac})/(2a)$ in a corresponding "vertical" form such as $$x
- = \frac{(-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac})}{(2a)}$? Obviously, such an operation
- involves a lot of cutting and pasting, and I used to avoid it like the
- plague. Well, now all you have to do is select the text you want converted
- (in this case, all the text inside the dollar signs except "x = ") and then
- choose Formulas:Fraction from the LaTeX menu. The rest is automatic. (Now
- if only I could get it to automatically remove those redundant
- parentheses... :-)
- The longest of latex.tcl's submenus contains the entire Greek alphabet,
- including both lower- and upper-case letters, plus a handful of lower-case,
- "italicized" letters (\varepsilon, \vartheta, \varpi, \varrho, \varsigma,
- and \varphi). The upper-case letters have been prefixed with the keyword
- "Cap" on the Greek submenu since the words "theta" and "Theta," for
- instance, are indistinguishable to Alpha's menu processor.
- Plain TeX defines an incredible variety of mathematical symbols, each
- transparently available to the LaTeX user, but only a fraction of these
- have been implemented in this version of latex.tcl. The Binary Operators
- and Relations submenus contain a couple dozen of the most commonly used
- symbols, although others may be added quite easily (it'll be difficult to
- find appropriate command keys, however!). The latex.tcl macro package also
- provides support for TeX's so-called "large operators." Commands such as
- Sum, Product, Integral, set Union and Intersection, and Logical And and Or
- may be found on the Large Operators submenu.
- Similarly, a quick glance at the _LaTeX_ book shows a wide assortment of
- arrows, dots, and miscellaneous mathematical symbols---only some of which
- are implemented in latex.tcl. See the Arrows, Dots, and Symbols submenus
- for lists of available commands.
- TeX's so-called "log-like" functions (\exp and \sin, for instance) are
- scheduled to be implemented in future versions of latex.tcl. (Quite
- frankly, I find it easier to type these commands directly as opposed to
- pulling down a menu, but I admit they might be useful in some instances.)
- TeX is particularly adept at "delimiting" arbitrary-sized mathematical
- expressions. Examples include parenthesized equations, matrices, and
- determinants. Since the left and right delimiters need not be of the same
- type, there are a host of options from which to choose, and hence we're
- presented with an interesting design problem. A workable compromise was
- achieved by implementing a handful of common delimiters explicitly, and
- then providing access to other more esoteric combinations via dialogs.
- Consequently, commands for Big Parentheses, Big Brackets, Big Braces, and
- Big Absolute Value symbols will be found on the Delimiters submenu, along
- with a Big Left Brace (which is commonly used to define multi-part
- functions or systems of equations), as well as interactive commands called
- Other Big Delims and Other Mixed Big Delims. The latter two commands are
- interactive---the user either types the delimiter name directly into a text
- box or chooses the desired name from a pop-up menu of available options.
- Also on the Delimiters submenu are normal-sized parentheses, brackets,
- braces, and absolute values, as well as arbitrary fixed-size delimiters.
- Math accents (not to be confused with diacritical marks used in paragraph
- mode) are accessed from a submenu of the same name. There are commands for
- hats, bars, tildes, vectors, dots, etc., plus wide hats and tildes. There
- are also commands for dotless versions of the letters "i" and "j" used in
- conjuction with these accents. Insofar as possible, the macros check to
- make sure that only single characters are being accented, or in the case of
- wide accents, three or fewer characters.
- The Grouping submenu has commands for underlining and overlining, and
- related commands for creating underbraces and overbraces. There's also a
- command for something called a stack used to construct compound operators
- via vertical stacking (see p.52 of the _LaTeX_ book for more details).
- The Spacing submenu provides for various types of horizontal spacing. There
- are commands for thin, negative thin, medium, and thick amounts of
- whitespace, and additional commands for inserting the traditional
- typesetter's quad (1em) and double quad. Arbitrary horizontal whitespace,
- defined via LaTeX's \hspace and \hspace* commands, may be inserted with the
- One Parameter command on the Formulas menu. Vertical whitespace commands
- have not yet been implemented.
- The last submenu on the LaTeX menu is called Math Style, with commands for
- (the seldom used) Math Italic and Calligraphic typefaces, as well as
- declarations for displaystyle, textstyle, scriptstyle, and
- scriptscriptstyle. The latter command quartet are sometimes needed to
- override LaTeX's default math style. (For example, the array environment
- for some bizarre reason insists on enabling textstyle regardless of the
- surrounding environment.) Future versions of latex.tcl will also provide
- support for the AMS Fonts, including Fraktur, Script, and Blackboard Bold.
- Menus are great when first learning a program, but eventually the tendency
- is to move away from menus towards commands keys. This can significantly
- speed input. However, few of us are inclined to memorize more than a couple
- dozen such keystrokes unless continually prompted with reminders.
- Unfortunately, it's not possible to display complex command key icons on Alpha
- menus and so we must resort to external aids (see the file commands.tex in
- the Help folder). Other than that, a logical approach to key assignments is
- about all we can hope for.
- Key Assignments
- ---------------
- A few remarks will help you remember the many command key sequences. Almost
- all commands that use wrapObject have been assigned command keys beginning
- with <Cmd Shf> or <Cmd Opt> or <Cmd Shf Opt>. The first of these is
- reserved for paragraph mode and the others for math mode. On the other
- hand, commands that use insertObject almost always have command keys
- beginning with <Opt> or <Opt Shf> or <Opt Ctl>. Knowing these simple facts
- will help tremendously.
- In may cases, we've honored normal Mac keyboarding conventions. Thus,
- Bullet and Ellipsis have been assigned <Opt 8> and <Opt ;>, respectively.
- Similarly, the commands Less Or Equal and Greater Or Equal have been
- assigned <Opt ,> and <Opt .>, respectively. There are others that you'll
- no doubt recognize, too.
- There's also a certain amount of redundancy built in. For example, the
- ubiquitous Subscript and Superscript commands each have a pair of command
- keys assigned to them, <Cmd Opt ,> and <Cmd Opt -> in the case of Subscript,
- and <Cmd Opt .> and <Cmd Opt 6> for Superscript. Take your pick!
- Meta Keys
- ---------
- The LaTeX key bindings make heavy use of the option key. This is fine
- if you never learned those strange emacs-type key combinations, or if
- you are accustomed to using the escape key for the meta-key combinations.
- However, if you are taking advantage of Alpha's ability to use the option
- key for the meta-key combinations (by setting optionIsMeta to 1), you
- have undoubtedly noticed that you have a problem in Tex mode, where
- option-v inserts "\nabla" rather than scrolling up one screen.
- Fear not. If you want to use option as a meta key in Tex mode, open the
- procs.tcl file, use the Mark titlebar menu to find the mark
- "latexMacroOption", type a pound sign "#" (without the quotes), save the
- file, and quit Alpha. (If the mark is missing from procs.tcl, look for the
- "setTexMode" procedure and read the comments.) When you restart Alpha and
- enter Tex mode, the optionIsMeta flag will have been left set, the latex
- key bindings will all have the control key added to them (except the tab
- key), and option will work as a meta key.